Dion's random ramblings

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cute technology that could scar your kids for life!

I like a cute gadget as much as the next nerd... But there has to be a line somewhere people! This is just insane!!! When I saw this picture I thought that this 'headless teddy USB drive' could leave an emotional scar that no amount of therapy could ever fix!

What do you think?

Or worse, imagine in you're in that super important strategy meeting with the Bishop of Malta, and the Patriarchate of Constantinople, they're just about to kiss and make up over that whole schism and filioque nonsense of the 11th century. All they need is some young scholar to take the agreement to the local printer on his USB thumb drive to get it printed so that they can sign it... Next thing they see a headless bear sticking out of an Asus EEEPC!!!! AAaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh....

It is just too scary to contemplate!

The Teddy Bear USB drive does a really nice job of switching from sickly sweet to just sickening -- just rip its head off and plug its neck into your computer and it looks like you've crushed a little anthropomorphic bear's noggin and forced it into a tiny, little USB port. Teddy Bear USB Drive (via Oh Gizmo)


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