Dion's random ramblings

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Parentings do's and DONT's! A picture primer

I remember when Megan and I brought our daughter home from the hospital 8 years ago. We were very unsure of ourselves, and acutely felt the pressure of having to care for this little bundle of joy that had an uncontrollable capacity at the one end and an unmanageable irresponsibility at the other... It was a frightening couple of weeks! Well, we did what we could. We relied on the advice of others, we read LOTS of baby books, and somehow little Courtney survived to become to lovely young girl she is today.

Well, faint not new parents! Now there is a wonderfully simple pictorial guide to what NOT to do with your infant!

For example - here's a hint on babies and exercise. These tips for baby exercise will not only keep your baby healthy, but probably also alive!

And, then there's this hint on shopping with your baby. Yes, sometimes one may be tempted to put one's baby in the bottom of the shopping cart... However, avoid that temptation at ALL costs!

What guide would be complete without some advice about hygiene? I'm not too sure that this one is crucial. I have a few male relatives who have used a garden hose to wash off a 'poo nappy'... Nothing wrong with that! ;-)

From here.

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