Dion's random ramblings

Friday, December 14, 2007

A picture taken in Wessel's favourite place... The quiet campus

Courtney and I went to the University of Pretoria yesterday to register some honours students who will be at seminary next year. She took this photo of me with my iPhone.

I realized two things. The first is that I prefer the campus when it is busy! There were only a few students on Campus (mostly grad students). I quite like the buzz of all the undergrads during term times. The second realization is that I am starting to get OLD! It used to be that I was one of the younger doctoral students... Now however many if them are my age and younger. At least I can still say that I am one if the youngest doctors on campus... Although not as young as my friend Dr Bentley. Ha ha!



  • And the fact that your daughter is taking such well balanced photos using an iPhone must surely also tell you that time is marching on..... ;)
    Tonight we put up our Christmas tree. Something was missing............. my beautiful daughter and her gorgeous husband. Now they will put up their own Christmas tree. I have cried many tears tonight as I mourn the passing of an era but WELCOME the start of a new one. Yes. I too am getting old :)
    Love and blessings

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:50 PM  

  • I know you're aware that Garrett has some faculty openings... and you'd be one of the youngest doctors on faculty if you came to teach HERE!
    I'm just saying... ;)

    By Blogger Jen, at 1:41 AM  

  • wow Jen, wouldn't that be great ! Evanston, one of my favourite places in the WHOLE world!!! A bit colder than Pretoria though!

    By Blogger digitaldion (Dion Forster), at 5:21 PM  

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